Saturday, January 26, 2013

I know what I know, and I know that I don't know.

Maybe I'm wrong about this; can you help me see this from an entirely different point view?

It's interesting how beliefs come and go. A long time ago everyone believed the earth was the center of the universe and then some smart guy comes along with another idea. Kepler or Copernicus, I always get those guys mixed up. Of course, everyone thinks this guy is crazy and full of shit but eventually, somehow, these new ideas get rolled into "what is known to be true". Evolution is the same way, there are two sides jumping up and down claiming their side to be true, pointing fingers at each claiming, 'those idiots are full of crap'. That one's not sorted out yet. There's still a lot of believers on either side. I have my belief, which I am afraid to state because I know I am ignorant about almost everything. But a story that has some girl getting knocked up without having sex makes my head hurt. WTF? Awhile back I was wondering whatever happened to Jesus's father. It struck me a funny. Some guy wandering around in the desert who got out of child support.

I guess these things take a long time to resolve. Some longer than others.

Look at racism. Not too long ago we had an inferior race running around, 'yeah those guys'll make good slaves for us' but that seems to be sorting itself out. Gays are the new blacks of course and a bunch of people are jumping up and down about that. These types of things seem to a take a few generations to weed out. My father was a staunch supporter when it came to equality for minorities. But gays? No way. Those people are sick. He's gone and with these generations the views fade away. Even whats-his-name, that cubby little idiot who so forcefully went after Clinton for getting hummers in the oval office was banging someone other than his wife while spouting off all these ideal family values. He recently said his side needed to reconsider the same sex marriage issue.

Here's a good one: the genetically modified food issue. I've read compelling arguments from both sides. I can't figure it out. I'm not smart enough to figure it out. And I suspect most of the people trying to convince me one way or the other aren't really that much smarter than me. They have their strongly held beliefs. Can they look at the other side anymore?

What started me thinking about all this, other than Jesus's dad roaming around in the desert, is this new Coke commercial. I don't have a tv or cable so I would have missed it except for some news articles on the web. Apparently Coke has a new ad campaign addressing obesity, what a great country we are and if we all pull together we can all be healthy. And of course Coca Cola is there for us to help us find our way. Of course we'd all be a lot more healthy if we didn't drink their products at all, but I doubt they mentioned that. Then it occurred to me: Coke is the new Marlboro. People have apparently figured out that this stuff is real bad for you and Coke sees it coming and starts an ad campaign to save their hide from the fate suffered by the tobacco companies. 50 years from now maybe we'll be looking back and thinking, 'jheez, can you believe we used to drink all that coke? What idiots we were' and coke will be highly taxed and come with all sorts of deadly warning labels on it.

Coke and cigarettes brings to mind an entirely different issue. Who's job is it to protect us from ourselves? Maybe health is just overrated right now. I guess that will all be sorted in time. Not in my lifetime. But these idiots, how can they think that? Or am I the idiot? The one thing I do know is that I will never know.

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