433% after two hours. Wow. That's not bad. I wonder how long it would take make a million dollars given a small investment of, say, $1. Let's see.... multiply by 4.33, reinvest, carry the two divide by one hundred and there, that's it:
2 hours | $4.33 |
4 hours | $18.75 |
6 hours | $81.18 |
8 hours | $351.52 |
10 hours | $1522.09 |
12 hours | $6590.64 |
14 hours | $28537.46 |
16 hours | $123567.19 |
18 hours | $535045.93 |
20 hours | $2316748.89 |
Wow. 2.3 million dollars in 20 hours! I have a dollar to spend and 20 hours to spare, what could possibly go wrong? So I click the ad:
I guess they went out of business already. Sigh. I wish I had a better ending for you. Next time for sure.